
Explore our ever-expanding series of articles addressing the many aspects of offshore development

Angular Vs JQuery: Can one replace the other?

This is a very common question by those who are either new to both sides or need information comparing them. This angular vs jquery article will cover 5 important topics that will inform you of their differences and answer your questions. …

Where To Hire A Web Designer

Where To Hire A Web Designer Web designs are the visual representation of your company’s business goals. Hiring a professional web designer is vital to ensure proper … …

What Is A Java Developer?

What Is A Java Developer? Java developers are software engineers who have built applications in the Java programming language. …

How To Hire A Good Web Developer

How To Hire A Good Web Developer What Is A Web Developer? A web developer is someone who has the technical skills to create, modify, and maintain websites. …

How To Find An App Developer

How To Find An App Developer What Is An App Developer The definition of an app developer is actually very succinct. They are the people who create apps for… …

Outsourcing Vs Offshoring

What is Outsourcing? Outsourcing is the process of contracting a third-party company to perform some function on behalf of your business practice. …

What Is A Full Stack Developer

What is a full stack developer and how does it help? A full-stack web developer can do all of the jobs needed to create a website or app. … …

What is a PHP Developer?

What is a PHP Developer? A PHP developer is a programmer who works with the PHP programming language to create programs that add dynamic content… … …

Python Vs. Java: Which is best?

Python and Java are the most famous coding languages, so which is the best language to learn? Python has been known as the most beginner-friendly programming language, while Java is more not that easy. However, Python Vs. Java: Which is Best? …