5 Benefits of Choosing AureliaJS Over AngularJS

5 Benefits of Choosing AureliaJS Over AngularJS

As the web development landscape continuously evolves, developers face numerous choices when it comes to selecting a JavaScript framework for building applications. For several years, AngularJS has been the top choice for many developers. Yet, recently, more modern frameworks such as AureliaJS have been gaining popularity due to their large range of benefits that make them more suitable for many projects.

In this article, we’ll help you decide whether or not to make the transition from AngularJS to AureliaJS by highlighting their features, advantages and disadvantages, as well as exploring the five main benefits of choosing AureliaJS over AngularJS.

Comparing AureliaJS and AngularJS: the difference between Angular and Aurelia

Before we can dive into the benefits of choosing AureliaJS over AngularJS, we need to understand what these two frameworks are, how they’re used and what their key benefits and differences are.

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework that was created by Google for use in building dynamic, single-page web applications. AngularJS uses declarative programming and two-way data binding to make it easier for developers to manage and manipulate complex data structures.

AngularJS pros

  • Robust and mature: AngularJS first launched in 2010 and has a proven track record of success. It is also supported by a large community of developers. It has evolved into a mature ecosystem that offers a wealth of resources, libraries and tools to support developers working with the framework.
  • Comprehensive list of features: This framework offers a wide range of features that support end-to-end product development, including two-way data-binding, dependency injection and a powerful directive system.
  • Supported by Google: AngularJS is backed by Google, ensuring long-term support and updates. This backing provides a level of stability and confidence for developers and organisations using the framework.

AngularJS cons

  • Steep learning curve: For those new to web development, AngularJS can prove difficult to learn. Its complex concepts and unique syntax may pose challenges for developers unfamiliar with the framework.
  • Performance issues: AngularJS may suffer from performance issues in large-scale applications due to its reliance on two-way data binding and the digest cycle. This can lead to slow performance and difficulty scaling applications as they grow in size and complexity.
  • No longer supported: As of early 2022, AngularJS is no longer supported by Google. It stopped issuing updates to fix security issues and browser compatibility, which could cause issues for developers. Angular (2)+ is available as a complete rewrite of AngularJS, which can cause confusion when searching for resources or compatibility. This can make it challenging for developers to find relevant information and support, especially as the AngularJS community continues to transition to Angular.

What is AureliaJS?

Developed by Rob Eisenberg to support web standards, modularity and forward-thinking design, AureliaJS is an alternative open-source JavaScript framework. AureliaJS is an ideal choice for building web applications due to its extensive customisation capabilities.

AureliaJS pros

  • Adheres to web standards: AureliaJS is built with a focus on web standards, providing a future-proof foundation for web applications. By adhering to these standards, AureliaJS ensures that applications built using the framework are compatible with modern browsers and follow best practices. This adherence also reduces the risk of encountering issues as browsers and web technologies evolve.
  • Modular architecture: AureliaJS boasts a modular architecture that allows developers to choose the features they need, reducing bloat and improving performance. As a result, developers can build applications with a lean and efficient codebase which makes it easier to maintain and scale projects in the future.
  • Intuitive syntax: AureliaJS offers a clean and intuitive syntax that is easy to learn and understand. This syntax makes the framework accessible to developers with varying experience levels and enables them to quickly become proficient in using AureliaJS.

AureliaJS uses

  • Building single-page applications (SPAs): AureliaJS is an excellent choice for developing SPAs due to its powerful routing capabilities, efficient rendering engine and modular architecture.
  • Developing custom elements and components: With AureliaJS, developers can create reusable custom elements and components that simplify the development of complex user interfaces and promote maintainable code.
  • Creating scalable, modular and maintainable applications: AureliaJS is well-suited to building scalable applications. Its modular architecture and adherence to web standards mean applications built with AureliaJS can evolve over time while staying easy to maintain.

What are the key differences between AureliaJS and AngularJS?

Component-based Architecture

Both AureliaJS and AngularJS follow a component-based architecture, which promotes modularity and reusability of code. Yet, they take different approaches to managing these components.

In AngularJS, components are created using directives, which are a way to extend HTML and create reusable UI elements. However, AngularJS directives can be complex and require a deeper understanding of the framework’s intricacies.

AureliaJS, on the other hand, simplifies component creation by using custom elements, which are native to the web platform. This approach is more intuitive and aligns with web standards, making it easier to create and reuse components across different projects.

Dependency injection

An essential aspect of both frameworks, dependency injection helps developers manage dependencies between components, promoting modularity. However, AureliaJS offers a more straightforward and flexible dependency injection system compared to AngularJS.

In AureliaJS, the dependency injection container is highly configurable and can easily be extended to support various use cases. This flexibility enables developers to build more scalable and maintainable applications. In contrast, AngularJS’s dependency injection system can be more rigid and less accommodating to different project requirements.


Templating is another crucial aspect of web development, and both AureliaJS and AngularJS provide their own templating systems.

AngularJS uses a template syntax that mixes HTML with Angular-specific markups, such as directives and filters. This approach can be powerful, yet it can also have a steep learning curve which may be confusing for new developers.

AureliaJS’s templating system is more aligned with web standards, using custom elements, attributes and template literals. This approach simplifies the learning process for developers and ensures better compatibility with modern browsers and future web standards.

Community and ecosystem

The community and ecosystem surrounding a framework play a vital role in its adoption and success. AngularJS benefits from a large and mature community with numerous resources, libraries and third-party tools available. However, as AngularJS has been succeeded by Angular (2+), it’s essential to consider that the framework’s popularity and support may decline over time.

AureliaJS has a smaller but growing community of dedicated developers. The framework’s commitment to web standards, clean syntax and modular architecture has attracted developers looking for a more modern and future-proof solution. As the AureliaJS community continues to grow, so will the resources and ecosystem surrounding it.

Learning Curve and Developer Experience

The learning curve and overall developer experience can significantly impact a project’s success and the team’s productivity. AngularJS is known for its steep learning curve, particularly for developers new to web development or the framework itself. While this intricacy supports the creation of complex applications, it can also slow down development and increase the risk of errors or difficulties maintaining the codebase.

On the other hand, AureliaJS offers a more approachable syntax and adheres to web standards, making it easier for developers to learn and work with the framework. Its focus on simplicity and modularity allows for a more enjoyable developer experience and can lead to increased productivity and project success.


AureliaJS and AngularJS both have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to performance. Firstly, AureliaJS is designed to be lightweight and modular, which makes it an excellent choice for developers looking to build fast and responsive apps. Its efficient rendering engine and data-binding system minimise the overhead associated with DOM manipulation and updates, leading to better performance in complex applications.

By comparison, AngularJS often struggles with performance, particularly in large-scale applications. The framework’s two-way data-binding mechanism, while powerful, can lead to performance issues when managing a large number of bindings. AngularJS’s digest cycle, which is responsible for detecting and propagating changes in the application, can occasionally cause bottlenecks.

Tooling and Ecosystem

The tooling and ecosystem surrounding a framework play a vital role in its adoption and success. AngularJS benefits from a large and mature ecosystem, with numerous libraries, plugins and third-party tools available to developers. However, as AngularJS has been succeeded by Angular (2+), it’s essential to consider that the framework’s popularity and support may decline over time.

AureliaJS has a smaller but growing ecosystem of tools and libraries. While it may not offer the same range of options as AngularJS, the framework’s commitment to web standards, clean syntax, and modular architecture has attracted developers looking for a more modern and future-proof solution. As the AureliaJS community continues to grow, so will the resources and ecosystem surrounding it.

Documentation and Learning Resources

Quality documentation and learning resources are crucial for developers to quickly adopt and effectively use a framework. As AngularJS has been around since 2010, there is a wealth of documentation, tutorials and other learning resources available online — support from friendly developers is also only a click away. However, the framework’s complexity can be difficult for newcomers to navigate, even with the resources available.

AureliaJS also offers extensive and well-organised documentation covering all aspects of the framework. While the number of learning resources may be fewer, those that are available are more focused and beginner-friendly. This accessibility makes it easier for developers to get started and become proficient with the framework.

Community and Support

AngularJS has an established and active community, which provides a wealth of knowledge and support for developers working with the framework. However, a key drawback is that Google discontinued support for the framework in early 2022, encouraging developers to transition to Angular (2+).

AureliaJS has a smaller but growing community of dedicated developers. The framework’s focus on simplicity, modularity and adherence to web standards has attracted developers seeking a more modern and sustainable solution. As the AureliaJS community continues to expand, so will the available support and resources.


In terms of upgradability, AngularJS is no longer supported by Google, so we will see no future updates. AureliaJS, with its emphasis on web standards and modular architecture, offers a more straightforward path for upgrading applications as new versions of the framework are released.

Use Cases and Real-World Examples

Developers have used AureliaJS in countless applications, including e-commerce platforms, content management systems and SaaS products. It’s suitable for small-scale projects and large enterprise applications thanks to its clean syntax, modular architecture and performance optimisations. Some examples of companies that have adopted AureliaJS include BTEA, the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority and VNext, a global software development company.

AngularJS, being an older and more established framework, has been used in numerous real-world applications across various industries, such as Google, IBM and Microsoft. These businesses have leveraged AngularJS to build internal and customer-facing applications. However, it is important to remember that many organisations have started migrating to Angular (2+) or other modern frameworks as AngularJS has reached the end of its lifecycle.

Accessibility and Internationalisation

Accessibility and internationalisation are crucial factors to consider when building web applications that cater to a diverse audience. AureliaJS offers built-in support for internationalisation and localisation through the i18n plugin, which simplifies the process of creating multilingual applications. The framework’s commitment to web standards also ensures that it adheres to accessibility guidelines, such as ARIA, making it easier for developers to build accessible applications.

AngularJS provides support for internationalisation and localisation through the AngularJS i18n module. Due to the framework’s reliance on custom components (which don’t always adhere to accessibility best practices), implementing accessibility features in AngularJS can be challenging.

Testing and Debugging

Both AureliaJS and AngularJS offer testing and debugging capabilities to help developers build reliable and maintainable applications. AureliaJS supports a variety of testing tools and libraries, including Jest, Karma and Protractor. The framework’s modular architecture and dependency injection system make it easy to write unit and integration tests for individual components and services.

AngularJS also supports various testing tools and libraries such as Jasmine, Karma and Protractor. The framework’s extensive documentation and community resources can assist developers in setting up testing environments and writing test cases. However, AngularJS’s complexity and reliance on custom directives can make testing and debugging more challenging compared to AureliaJS.

Scalability and Enterprise-readiness

AureliaJS stands out due to its modular architecture, performance optimisations and adherence to web standards, which makes it easy for developers to build, maintain and scale applications as their requirements grow. AureliaJS’ flexible and scalable nature enables organisations to develop custom solutions based on their specific needs while maintaining a future-proof codebase.

AngularJS, while widely used in enterprise applications, can face scalability challenges due to its two-way data-binding mechanism and reliance on custom directives. When combined, these factors can trigger performance issues in large-scale applications, reducing the ability of organisations to maintain — let alone maintain — their AngularJS projects over time.

Mobile and Progressive Web App Support

AureliaJS offers support for building mobile and progressive web apps (PWAs) through its integration with popular tools such as Cordova and the Aurelia CLI. These integrations enable developers to create responsive, native-like experiences with offline capabilities, ensuring that their applications can be accessed on various devices and platforms.

AngularJS also provides support for building mobile and PWAs through its integration with tools like Ionic and Cordova. Due to the framework’s age and performance limitations, developers are likely to encounter challenges when looking to create applications with a focus on high performance and responsiveness — two qualities most consumers expect from applications these days.

5 Benefits of Choosing AureliaJS Over AngularJS

Now that we’ve explored some of the key differences between these two popular frameworks, it’s time for us to dive deeper into the five key benefits of choosing Aurelia vs Angular.

1. Routing

AngularJS’s routing systems can be incredibly difficult to work with and extend, especially in complex applications. This frontend development framework relies on a more rigid routing configuration, which can limit developers’ ability to create advanced routing scenarios.

When you compare this with the fact that AureliaJS provides a powerful and flexible routing system that is easy to configure and extend, it’s evident why the latter is superior. AureliaJS supports nested routing and allows developers to define routes with simple, readable syntax. This approach enables the creation of complex applications with ease and a more maintainable codebase.

2. Standards Compliance

AngularJS often relies on custom attributes and elements, which may not align with current and future web standards.

On the flip side, AureliaJS was designed to adhere to web standards, ensuring that applications built using this framework are compatible with modern browsers and comply with best practices. By choosing AureliaJS, developers can ensure their applications stay up-to-date with evolving web standards and maintain better long-term compatibility.

3. Many Languages Supported

AureliaJS supports many popular programming languages, including TypeScript, ECMAScript 2015 and newer versions of JavaScript. This impressive flexibility means developers can choose the language that best suits their needs and preferences, fostering a more adaptable development environment.

Comparatively, AngularJS is primarily focused on JavaScript and TypeScript, which creates a barrier for developers who prefer working with other languages.

AureliaJS’s language support enables a broader range of developers to work with the framework comfortably.

4. Scalable HTML

AureliaJS enables developers to create custom elements and attributes, allowing for greater flexibility and reusability of code. This scalability simplifies the process of building complex user interfaces and promotes a more maintainable codebase.

In comparison, AngularJS relies on custom directives, which can be inconvenient at best and cumbersome at worst. Plus, they are not as easy to repurpose. AureliaJS’s approach to extensible HTML aligns with web standards and encourages the creation of more modular and scalable applications.

5. Data binding

While both AureliaJS and AngularJS offer data-binding capabilities, AureliaJS provides a more efficient and performance implementation. Its one-way data-binding approach helps minimise potential performance issues in large-scale applications while still offering a simple and intuitive way to manage data.

AngularJS, on the other hand, utilises two-way data binding, which can sometimes lead to performance problems in complex applications. By adopting AureliaJS’s one-way data-binding, developers can ensure better application performance and a smoother user experience.

While both AureliaJS and AngularJS are capable JavaScript frameworks for building web applications, AureliaJS offers a range of benefits that make it a strong alternative, including an emphasis on web standards and clean syntax.

Final thoughts: Migrating to AureliaJS from AngularJS

Migrating from AngularJS to AureliaJS can be a complex process due to the two frameworks’ differing architectural approaches and design philosophies. However, the benefits of adopting AureliaJS, such as improved performance, maintainability and standards compliance, can make the migration worthwhile for some projects. Luckily, the AureliaJS team has provided resources and guidance on transitioning from AngularJS to AureliaJS.

However, this process needn’t be a headache with the right support. By outsourcing the migration process and the development of future products to an expert, dedicated development team, you can save time, money and stress. Contact WeAssemble to explore how building an offshore team can help your business reach its growth goals.



Is Aurelia a good framework?
Yes, Aurelia is an excellent framework for building web applications. With a clean and intuitive syntax, a modular architecture and a focus on web standards, AureliaJS is well-suited to a wide range of development projects.
Is Aurelia a framework or a library?
Aurelia is a framework, not a library. However, this JavaScript framework provides a collection of libraries and tools to help developers build web applications. It includes core functionality such as routing, data-binding and custom elements, and optional libraries for additional features like validation and internationalisation.
How popular is the Aurelia framework?
While Aurelia may not be as widely known or popular as some other JavaScript frameworks, it has a dedicated and growing community of developers who appreciate its adherence to web standards, modular architecture and clean syntax.
What is the difference between Aurelia and angular?
Aurelia and Angular are both JavaScript frameworks used for building web applications. However, they differ in their design philosophies, syntax and feature sets. Aurelia emphasises web standards, modularity and extensibility, while Angular is known for its comprehensive feature set and backing by Google. Developers may prefer Aurelia for its cleaner syntax, better performance and flexibility in language support.
What companies use Aurelia?
Aurelia web framework has been adopted by a variety of companies across different industries. Some notable users include Freska, Ordami and BTEK Software. These companies have chosen Aurelia for its clean syntax, modular architecture and commitment to web standards, which enables them to build scalable and maintainable web applications.

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